
Author: Robert Berlin

Do We Want Work to Be Virtual?

Do We Want Work to Be Virtual?

Now that our work lives have been turned upside down by Covid-19, do we want work to be virtual? If you were lucky enough to be in a profession or industry that supported remote work, you typically found yourself at home, glued to a computer all day. The word “Zoom”

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32 Companies That Have Remote or Hybrid Work Policies

Does your employer have a remote or hybrid work policy? Does your employer want you back in the office once the pandemic is over? If remote or hybrid work is your cup of tea (or coffee), and your employer is not one of them, read on to learn about 32

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Remote and Flex Office Work Policies are Here to Stay

Are remote and flex office work policies here to stay? There are many indicators the Covid-19 pandemic will end this year, and we can go back to a normalcy that resembles pre-pandemic times. We see this light at the end of the tunnel despite concerns about new surges and variants.

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Does Presenting Online Make you Crazy?

Does the prospect of presenting online make you anxious? After all, with everyone working from home and easily distracted, it’s tough to connect with people in an online meeting in a meaningful way. What about when you present in-person to a group (back in the day)? Does your blood pressure

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6 Online Presentation Follow-up Actions You Must Do

You finished delivering your entire online video presentation. You’re feeling terrific. After all, the presentation went off without a hitch, the audience asked some good questions (which you handled appropriately), and you ended with a spirited call-to-action. Mission accomplished! Maybe. Did Your Online Presentation Miss its Target? If, a day

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Employee Engagement is Hurting

  Employee engagement is feeling the Covid-19 virus! We are now one year into the pandemic and remote work, zoom fatigue and home offices are now the norms. Who would have that our lives would be turned upside down by a virus? For most of us, we had to get

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