
Author: June Bower

3 Things to Make Your Online Presentations Pack a Punch

Do your online presentations seem blah? Would you like your presentations to pack a punch to keep your audience engaged? Here is my reality of our new Zoom, Google Meet, Skype normal. When I deliver a presentation online: It’s hard to read the room I talk and no one says

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Online Workshops for Remote and Virtual Teams

Delivering Online Presentations with Impact

Delivering online presentations is hard! I recently gave an online presentation to the Wharton Funders and Founders group on improving customer engagement during uncertain times. Unlike many Zoom meetings I present to, I could not see or hear the audience. All I saw was my slides. It was a bit

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Is Power a Dirty Word?

I recently facilitated a Power Workshop with a group of women at a major university. I asked them to use sticky notes to write the emotions they feel when they think about power. We posted them to a white board where we quickly saw that about three quarters of the

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